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Fire Technology

The Fire Technology program offers students an opportunity to study fire behavior, fire protection and control techniques, core concepts of culture, safety, and requirements for the fire service.  The program also gives the student a chance to interact with professionals in the field and develop their skills to become an entry-level firefighter or help to promote a career firefighter. The classes provide the student with a knowledge of public and private fire service careers that include, but are not limited to; firefighting, arson investigation, fire prevention, fire service management, and public safety. 

Fire Tech by T Baker

Program options in the Fire Technology department include Certificate of Achievement and Associate Degrees in Fire technology. This program follows the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) model from the National Fire Academy in Emmetsburg, Maryland, and is a component of accreditation from the California State Fire Training.

Contact Information

San Jacinto Campus
(951) 487-MSJC (6752)

Menifee Valley Campus
(951) 672-MSJC (6752)
Nursing and Allied Health Unit (951) 639-5577