Contracts at MSJC
The contracts process has moved over to FreshService. All contract requests are entered on the .
** A FreshService ticket must be entered prior to entering a PR in Galaxy. PR entry will occur after meeting with a Contracts Coordinator to discuss your request.
What is a Contract?
- A contract is an agreement between two parties that is written and enforceable by law.
- A contract can be for:
- Outside Professional Services
- Purchases that require a signature on behalf of the District
- Catering
- Licenses
- Software Licenses
- Subscriptions
- Independent Contractors
- Public Works
- Facility Rental
- Equipment Rental (chairs, tables, party tent)
** Some payable agreements have a scope of work, a description of services, dates of services, start and end dates, and a total cost or hourly rates.
What are examples of Contracts?
- Agreement (or Service Agreement)
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
- Affiliation Agreement
- Revenue Agreement
- Hold Harmless/Indemnification
What is considered 鈥渂ack-up鈥 documentation for a Contract?
- Estimate
- Quote
- Proposal
- Invoice
**Any document that includes terms of service, indemnification, start/end dates, and/or requires a signature in order to complete a purchase or move forward with a service is considered a contract.
Tips to assure a smooth contract process:
Allow enough time!
- Enter your request in FreshService
- Contracts must be signed prior to services being rendered, so plan ahead to allow ample processing time.
- The entire contracts process takes at a minimum 21 days to complete, this is including required approvals in FreshService and Galaxy.
- During certain times of the year (at the start of the semester), many departments have contract requests, which can increase the processing time for contract requests.
Be thorough and descriptive!
- Before entering a request in FreshService, make sure you have:
- Vendor Contact information (name, address, phone, e-mail).
- Detailed description of the service and what it is for.
- Start and end date.
- The FreshService approval process will obtain approval from the EA on behalf of the VP prior to the Contracts Coordinator review of your request.
Don't be afraid to ask questions!
- If you have any questions about contracts or the contract process, please contact the Contracts Coordinators. We are here to help!
Frequently asked questions:
Who can sign contracts?
- Per MSJC Board policy, contract signing authority has been assigned to the Vice President of Business Services.
- Regardless of the type of contract/agreement, even if no cost is involved, no other staff or faculty are authorized to sign contracts/agreements on behalf of MSJC.
Where do I find the contracts process?
MSJC employees may access the new contracts process through:
How long does the contract process take?
- The contracts process can take at a minimum of 21 days 鈥 this is considering the approval process in FreshService and Galaxy.
- If you are submitting a request for an Independent Contractor or Technology (e.g., software or licenses), additional time will be required for additional review
and approval.
- All Independent Contractor Requests will be reviewed by Human Resources.
- If HR determines the request is for a Professional Expert, the request will be denied, and the department will have to complete the Professional Expert Process.
- All Technology Requests will be reviewed by IT.
- All Independent Contractor Requests will be reviewed by Human Resources.
- Keep in mind, during certain times of the year, this estimate could be longer.
- Remember, there are two Contracts Coordinators and many departments who request contracts.
What is the deadline for contracts that need to go to Board of Trustees for approval?
- 21 days prior to the meeting date.
- Your FreshService request must be entered prior to this date with approvals.
What if my request is for outside catering?
Outside catering requires additional documentation prior to your event, and must be cleared with Risk Management.
Outside vendors must be on the list of approved vendors from Riverside County Department of Environmental Health.
Other documentation required besides the quote or invoice are:
- Current Certificate of Insurance
- Copy of their current Business License
- Copies of their Food Handler's Cards and Rating Certificate from the County of Riverside
- Copy of their Health Permit
Note: Outside catering requests take longer to process. As soon as the department calendars the event, and vendor selected, request the additional documentation, and enter your FreshService ticket.
How do I know where my contract is in the process?
There are two ways to check on your contract status:
- Log on to FreshService and check the status of the ticket.
- Check your e-mails 鈥 updates will be provided through each phase of the contract process.
Is my request really a contract?
If you can answer 鈥測es鈥 to the following statements, it is probably a contract, but it is always best to enter a request in FreshService.
- Is the expense for a service (either one-time or ongoing)?
- Are there any 鈥渢erms鈥 noted on an invoice, estimate, or proposal?
- Does MSJC have to agree to something in order to move ahead?
Here is a guide to the different .
When does the vendor get paid?
- Vendors are paid after services are rendered, upon invoicing the District.
- Invoices must be submitted to
- Invoices are generally paid 30 days from invoice date.
- The District does not pre-pay for services.
- If special payment arrangements are required (e.g. a deposit) , you will need to make a note of this on your FreshService request, and tell the Contracts Coordinator at your meeting.
Questions or suggestions?
If you have any questions about the contracts process or have other questions or suggestions, please contact the Contracts Coordinators at